Tuesday, November 27, 2012

1st Semester Peaks & Valleys

     Integrating technology along with the Common Core requirements has been a challenge. Although I see technology as a necessary and normal part of everyday learning, the integration and implementation have been an uphill part of the journey. Many of my students have had little experience using technology on a regular basis in the classroom. I created instruction sheets for each learning labs, but students typically panicked instead of reading the instructions. I walked them through the instructions for the first few weeks, then guided them to the instruction sheet to help them become more independent. We also had some technical issues that were finally worked out about mid-October. The second nine weeks has started off a lot smoother since students are more comfortable using technology and knowing what to do in each learning lab.

     We have been using laptops for in our weekly learning labs to view science videos, blog, and create a Voicethread. Students were learning about concepts required by Common Core Curriculum . They then journaled about their learning after they viewed content specific science videos. Students blogged about our novels and shared reading stories and used Voicethread to complete literature circles.
Each one of the learning labs allowed students to make choices and take ownership of their learning either individually or in a small group. These activities were chosen because they do fully support Common Core Curriculum, student-centered learning and support 21st Century learning themes. 

Blogging sample- this question came from our first read-aloud, Top Secret. I love Kidblog because it allows students to contribute to a conversation in a non-threatening way. It's also relevant to how they communicate and share ideas in their world. The blog was used to discuss character traits, one of the focus skills during the first nine weeks.

Think about Allen…How would you describe his actions? Did Allen show courage, perseverance or honesty?Choose one character trait and describe a scene from the story to support your answer.

E20October 9, 2012 at 10:13 AM
yes allen did show honesty when he told the newspapper pepole and all the other pepole he was a plant but they didnt belieave him only his teacher at the end.

E17October 9, 2012 at 10:13 AM
He did show perseverance when his techer ,mom and dad did not belive him. He tryed something diffinet and told the newspaper.

     Voicethread really helped ignite student learning and participation in literature circles. Here's a sample of what students discussed in our first literature circle using Voicethread. Students identify vocabulary, text connections, narrative elements and favorite parts of the story. Meanwhile they are also learning how to use the microphone, and gain experience with Voicethread.

     Although I discuss the challenges that technology brings, I believe the opportunities and inspiration that it also brings makes it worth it! The benefits far outweigh the challenges. Students are excited about learning and displaying their learning using technology tools. I believe technology helps make teaching and learning more efficient.

     In thinking about ways to improve the technology experiences for the students, I plan to have students create a digital journal in Google Docs. Students will begin these digital journals beginning with the third nine weeks.  

Monday, October 22, 2012


The technology integration has been challenging this year.

1.Smartboard projector needs replacing and we are still waiting on the new arm/projector to arrive.
2. The wireless drop did not work properly in the beginning of the school year.

Hiccups such as these are normal difficulties with acquiring and implementing new technology in the classroom. My students have been very patient. We were very excited when the wireless drop worked properly and now have been working in our Learning Labs (centers) for three weeks now. These types of technical difficulties are often unseen until there is actually a problem. I think the best advice is too stay calm and continue to work through it until the issues are resolved.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Tweeting Reading Responses

Students are enjoying our low tech version of Twitter! Students record their responses on our Best Thinking board using a sticky note, then the best responses are chosen. It opens up a great opportunity to model how to create a great response or fix up one that was provided.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

My Own Junie B. Jones!

My first story has to be to introduce you to my very own Junie B. Jones. If you have ever taught or had a young student at home, then you know exactly who I am referring to. She always seems to find herself in odd predicaments and situations that thankfully are easily solved with some guidance. This particular student keeps my classroom exciting to say the least and keeps me smiling! I am enjoying the opportunity to reassure and support this student with positive praise, encouragement and reminding her to laugh whenever possible to lighten the moment.

Learning Labs (centers!)

This week has been exciting for the fourth graders. They have started rotating to learning labs each day. The learning labs allow them to use the laptops to blog and view science videos on my class website. This week we will look at the blog on the Smartboard to analyze ways they can type complete sentences, and remember to use punctuation in their responses. For the science videos, students will write 3-5 sentences in their science journals in response to the videos. Again, I will be checking for writing but also deeper thinking as it connects to science and social studies concepts. During the learning labs I have been able to meet with small groups for guided reading. This is always a joyful time to get students in small groups to discuss their learning and help them find strategies for reading and understanding concepts.

Friday, September 28, 2012


Our classroom routines and staying within time limits are getting better each week. We had time to blog this week! Students that have not had the opportunity this week will do so on Monday. Since we have been discussing characters and narrative elements, our blog questions are about these two topics.

One blog question I had for them was to identify the character and setting. Two responses were

That Lilly Etta’s best friend is evicted from her house and know she is mad. The main character is Lilly Etta. The story is taking place in the city.

lilly etta is the main character the story is taking place at lilly etta aparment wear she is moving out.

Next week I will pull up the blog responses for the students to see as I discuss using formal register, punctuation and complete sentences. I will show them how to respond to each other's posts and introduce the new blog posts for the week.

Friday, September 7, 2012

New Year, New Grade

This year I am teaching an awesome group of fourth graders! I am inspired by their ideas, willingness to help and love for learning! So far, our classroom technology tools have not cooperated, but I am hopeful that by the end of next week we will have a working Smartboard and laptops that have internet access. On Tuesday, during our computer lab time, I will introduce Kidblog, our first technology tool for learning.  I am very excited and know that these students will be also. They will get to choose from two blog posts since we were unable to begin last week. I am excited about what they will share through this type of learning tool!

I have been thinking about my goal from Pinnacle training this past summer. While students are blogging, I am planning to jot down my first story about this group! :)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

21st Century Teaching

In my opinion, 21st Century Teaching takes place long before the first day of school. In fact, as soon as the school year ends, I begin thinking about the design of the room, lesson plans and instructional practices that need to change to improve student learning. The article mentioned several things that teachers should be doing on a regular basis to ensure they are improving teaching and learning in their classrooms. One of the points that I need to work on is telling stories. This year I am going to take the time to tell stories about my classroom, teaching and learning to inspire, and cheer on the stakeholders in my classroom, community and county.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

waid? (what am I doing?)

I used two tools to see and analyze my web presence:

take a look at the link to see my twitter presence...


Since I use Twitter to see what's trending, my info graph does not look so great compared to others. I would like to begin contributing more in this aspect.

A New Tool: easel.ly

In Pinnacle Day 1 training I discovered a new tool! Many students respond to visual representations of information, so I can see where this tool will come in handy!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

2nd Semester Projects

I enjoyed seeing the projects displayed for second semester! I plan to use some of the ideas/projects displayed in my classroom even in these last days of school. Participation in Pinnacle keeps me inspired! Thanks guys! Enjoy the rest of your year!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Semester 2 Project

Using Google Apps in the classroom has been refreshing, and challenging. I have mentioned in my responses that technology has leveled the playing field in the classroom. It brings learning back into focus, creates an environment where students are working on multiple levels of the pyramid and creates a renewed interest in content areas where students get choices, collaborate with classmates and build 21st century skills simultaneously.

Click on the link to see how my classroom is using Google Docs in our writing.

Click on the link to complete the survey about the use of Google Docs in our writing.

Thank you for your time, and responses. I appreciate them as I am open to new ideas on ways to implement Google Apps into daily learning.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Continuing with Google Docs

My class began writing topics last month using Google Docs. The comment stream has been instrumental in providing guidance and reminders for them to create their best 5 paragraph essay. Currently we have put our Google Docs writing assignment on hold to complete the county prompt. Students were bummed out when they realized it was back to paper and pencil. I see the Google Docs experience really helping them become skilled in the use of Google Docs for assignments. They are anticipating the return to Google Docs! Google Docs has brought excitement to a subject area that is usually boring and difficult to get them engaged in! Thank you technology leaders and facilitators for training and helping teachers move to the 21st Century classroom!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Google Docs

In the first phase of introducing Google Docs, students worked together to collaborate ideas about a hero in Google Docs that was shared with all the users. This was their first exposure to Google Docs. They loved it! They were excited that they could see other working and really liked fixing the mistakes of each other. Then I used it to help guide them in their own writing piece about a hero.

In this phase of Google Docs, the students will take more ownership of their writing pieces. Today, they chose a topic, and  a partner to create a collaborative paper on a given topic from start to finish. This week we will focus on getting everyone to the computer to practice signing in and finding their shared document. Next week we will begin digitally commenting using the peer conference questions used in previous writing prompts to help provide constructive feedback as we transition from the first draft to the final draft process. The wiki was reintroduced today as an important part of our writing to communicate their ideas while also considering their audience, using formal register and providing complete thoughts about their side of the issue.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Let's Google!

Two weeks ago we began writing an essay on a role-model or hero. Many students chose men and women that have made a positive contribution to our nation and world. Some examples are Martin Luther King, Jr, Rosa Parks and Sojourner Truth. To kick start this essay, a handful of students were provided with their gmail account information. They logged in and other students joined them as we started brainstorming ideas for our essays. We discussed lead statement, transition words, I believe statements and facts or examples to support main ideas. The students loved seeing their peers on the same screen, working on ideas together and fixing each other's mistakes. Although we have transitioned to individual essays, Google Docs was a great resource to get them thinking and working together for a writing assignment. The next technology piece will include the use of the wiki so they can express their ideas in that format also.