Monday, October 22, 2012


The technology integration has been challenging this year.

1.Smartboard projector needs replacing and we are still waiting on the new arm/projector to arrive.
2. The wireless drop did not work properly in the beginning of the school year.

Hiccups such as these are normal difficulties with acquiring and implementing new technology in the classroom. My students have been very patient. We were very excited when the wireless drop worked properly and now have been working in our Learning Labs (centers) for three weeks now. These types of technical difficulties are often unseen until there is actually a problem. I think the best advice is too stay calm and continue to work through it until the issues are resolved.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed! For me, log on issues are still occurring - and I can't let the trouble shooting take too much of my 30 minute lesson time. It's keeping me on my toes as to the objectives and making sure that the students are still achieving them.
