Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Pinnacle is Tops!

10. I have a 21st Century Classroom!
9. Technology tools are for ready for student use!
8.Cooperative learning opportunities are part of daily learning!
7. Professional web presence is enhanced!
6. New professional contacts and learning communities are established!
5. Pinnacle provides support and feedback!
4. Training is provided so I know how to teach my students using technology!
3. Students are engaged and motivated!
2. Students learn and cultivate 21st Century skills in products of learning!
1. Student learning is relevant and meaningful!


  1. And your students are doing amazing projects with technology. So enjoy visiting your class.

  2. I love your comments and agree with them all! We have a great sharing network that continue beyond this two year cycle.

  3. I totally agree with sharing with professionals. I love to be able to collaborate with other teaching and bounce ideas off each other!
